This Is Sharp Business Growth

#01 We've worked with a lot of CEOs of growing (and not so growing) businesses. In this episode we're sharing our common insights from behind the scenes of what the winning combination for growth is.You'll also get a chance to meet Deacon Bradley & Justus Murimi up close and personal as we share what led to episode 01 of this podcast.Welcome to the show! We're glad you'e here.Resources- The DTC Growth Insider list- The Online Growth Cheat Sheet----------Hiring Secrets: How to find the right people who will take your business to the next level.I'm hosting a LIVE workshop and giving you my playbook for building world class teams.Learn my Hiring Secrets here ($49)More Resources:1) Agency Owners: here are some tools you need in your toolbox.2) Skills Matrix: Grab my favorite team management tool.3) Connect with me on LinkedIn (where I share more great content).

Deacon Bradley: Just as we've
been talking about this for a

long time, I think it's time we
hit record. What do you say?

Let's do it.
Hello, and welcome to the sharp

business growth podcast, the
podcast for CEOs who want to

create healthy business growth.
I'm your host, Deacon Bradley

alongside Justice murrini. On
today's show, we're, so both of

us have worked with a lot of
CEOs, a lot of businesses, and

we were having a conversation
before we hit record. What are

we seeing that's holding
business leaders back from that

growth that they so badly want?
And we came up with three things

a lot more than three things.
But these are our top three

things. And we're gonna unpack
these a little bit here, but

then a lot more in the episodes
to come. So before we get into

that, though, yeah, justice. I
think everybody here listening

needs to know just how cool. You
are the guy on the other side of

the mic right here. I need to
give you your credit. So I've

been working with you, myself, I
originally met you started

working with you as an executive
coach. That's, that's one of the

things that you do unbelievably
Well, I've worked with a lot of

coaches. You're extremely
gifted. And we just had so much

fun the last couple of years
still, man businessing.

together. That's a great way to
put it. Yeah. And we've worked

on a lot of projects. Yeah, my
my business and my life has

changed a huge amount, just from
the conversations that we've

had. And, and and I think it's
really cool. We both work with

CEOs. Yeah. And we both do it in
really different ways.

Unknown: Yes, absolutely. I
think one of the things that

that you do really well is,
you're very good in the

headspace, meaning strategic,
how do you want to think about

this? Let's make this simple.
Let's, let's find the right

people. You're very much there.
I'm very much the heart. I'm

looking at what is holding this
CEO, this executive back from

making the decisions that they
need to make from being who they

need to be from leading how they
need to lead. Is it fear? Is it

insecurity? Like what what is
it? And then how do I speak to

those things. So both are huge
for the SEO, you cannot do one,

you cannot scale a business
without the other. So it's you

got to have strategic, you got
to have the right players on the

team, you've got to have that
the right headspace, which you

do such a great job at. And then
you've got to have the right

your heart has to be the right
place. your mindset has to be at

the right place. That's what I

Deacon Bradley: Yeah, it's
something that I always knew was

important. And like I said, I've
worked with a bunch of coaches,

I never worked with somebody
with your super unique skill set

to be able to unpack that draw
that out of people find like

that, that stuff inside that
that's really in the way. So

many coaches are focused, I
think on the wrong stuff. You

know, here's some, here's some
new tactics. Yeah, yeah, this is

the magic being that you were
missing from your morning

coffee. And then your business
growth explodes. And so I'm

super excited to just have these
conversations with you share a

little bit about just the
variety and the types and levels

of business leaders that you've
been in and around fascinating.

Unknown: I've worked with
solopreneurs. And I've worked

with CEOs leading much bigger
teams. So and I've worked with

people that aren't CEOs that are
just, you know, business leaders

that are, you know, like, like
when we started working you were

kind of the the integrator to
the team and working right next,

right next to the CEO hand in
hand and leading just an

unbelievable business. So I work
with the whole gambit. I love

the solopreneur. But I also love
the high flying, you know, CEO

that as a as a team, that he's
trying to figure out how to do

the best thing because I learned
from each of them. And a lot of

times they're they're still
their mindset and their heart is

still the thing. Like that does
not change wherever you're at

your heart, your mindset, if
it's off, it's keeping you from

from the results you want.

Deacon Bradley: Yeah, I think I
think that's really interesting.

And one of the things that I
have learned a lot from you is

you will constantly point out,
hey, Deacon guy at this level.

I'm working with this guy 10
levels beyond you. And you know

what we're talking about the
exact same thing. Yes, yeah.

It's I don't know if that's
encouraging or disheartening.

But we're moving forward.

Unknown: Better? Oh, absolutely.
Yeah, seeing you guys. It's it,

hopefully, it's encouraging.
Because it's, it's cool to a lot

of entrepreneurs think that
their issues are unique. And so

they, they believe, like, Man,
I'm the only one it's very

lonely, it's very isolating. So
they think that they've had

these issues in their head and
they see everyone else's

success. So then they're going
it's just me, there must be

something wrong with me. And so
whenever I could say, Hey, you

know, this person that you
perceive as being extremely

successful, they're doing
they're going through the same

thing, and it's like, Oh, okay.
All right. I can, I can work

with that. I'm not crazy. Okay.
And Deacon, I mean, you are kind

of I always say, everybody needs
a deacon. So, I would love for

you to share just a little bit
about what you do. I think

you're a rarity. You can come in
and I get really frustrated,

because I will meet with you and
go, golly, I wish I could think

that quickly, and that
strategically about these

issues, and it makes it so
simple that I'm going. Yeah, I

guess that is what we should do.
So I think everyone needs a

Deacon. So Deacon, would you
just share a little bit about

what you do? And I don't even
know what what the title

Deacon Bradley: is? Sure. You
know, I, I've gotten to the

stage in my career where I've
done so many things, and I have

my hands in a variety of things,
which I love it, it excites me,

but I dread it a little bit when
I just meet somebody for the

first time when they say what do
you do? And I'm like, gosh, you

know, how much time do we have?
Most recently, I just stepped

away from from a few years of,
of leading as the number to an

agency that that team, while I
was there, I cut my teeth on a

lot of different kind of
leadership level stuff grew that

team from, I don't know, a very
small handful of people to over

40. By the time we left, we had
tremendous revenue growth over

those years. And the the thing
that was that was super fun.

Yeah, we worked and in the space
of so I was working with

business leaders and a different
capacity there. I was seeing

them come through with needs as
an agency, that the agency

provided those services. But it
was also interesting, because I

was at the level of the company,
within our company that I was

dealing with the same problems
that they were dealing with. And

so I was able to see things in
their business that they needed

or that they were missing,
whether that was team, whether

it was vision, whatever it was,
I could see these like, wounds,

or Yeah, or these like chains
that were holding them back that

they couldn't always see. And so
it was super fun. Working with

you justice, I think I've gotten
a lot of clarity on what it is

that allowed me to do that.
Well. And why it why it is that

business leaders like hanging
out with me. Yes. And I, the two

things that always come to mind
is number one, clarity. So I

love to take really complicated
things and simplify them down.

just incredibly simple. That's
one of my favorite things to do.

And the other thing is something
that you brought to my

attention, that is a gift of
mine that I didn't know that was

a gift. And if I had known it
was a gift, I wouldn't have

known anybody cared until we
started working together. Now I

just I see this tremendous need
for it. And that is just

bringing peace in order to
chaos. And there are so yeah,

businesses that I look inside. I
was looking inside one just

earlier this week. And I was
like, Whoa, that is some serious

chaos there. And I can't wait to
just unpack some of the stuff

about how to fix that. What's in
the way of growth? Yes. All of

that kind of stuff. So we were
talking before we hit record, we

both see a huge number of
businesses that are growing.

Yes. Tell them we're growing
extremely fast. Yes, we also see

a lot that aren't growing. And
we see a lot of business leaders

wondering why their business
isn't growing. Yes. So we were

we were kind of like, Alright,
let's boil this down. high

level, what are three things
that we see that are holding

people back? I love this. The
first one. Number one, do you

remember what we wrote down? No.
I trust you more than myself.

I'm looking at you. Oh, please
all my eyes. I was like I did. I

did write it down. I have the
list right here in front of me.

Number one, a team that moves
the ball down the field?

Unknown: Yes, yes. Can I speak
to this? Yes. Okay. So here is

what I see is a big issue.
There's a book called what got

you here will not get you there.
And one of the things that I see

oftentimes is that entrepreneurs
get their business to a certain

level with a certain team. It's
almost like if I could title it

would be the bootstrapping team.
And some of those business

leaders aren't meant to go with
you the distance, like they can

help you get where you wanted to
go. And now it's time to get to

the next stage. And if they
don't want to grow into

different roles, and if they're
not gifted enough to do some of

the things that are needed to
get to the next place. They

can't move the needle forward.
And so it's time for them to go.

And that's okay. That is totally
fine. But it's hard for

entrepreneurs, especially when
the people that you need to let

go have been loyal. I hear that
from so many entrepreneurs.

They've been so So, boil.

Deacon Bradley: Yeah, I see this
all the time. And I also see it

in in the mentality. So when I
hear there's a couple of things

I hear business leaders say that
make me think, Oh, this is

probably their their problem.
One of them is, I just can't

find any good people. And
there's a lot of reasons for

that, that we can unpack. But
that's one of the symptoms. And

the other one is, is that
feeling that like, you like

things keep bouncing back to
you, like it keeps coming to you

keep having to, like, you've
gotten away, but you're still

you might be saying to yourself,
why am I still doing this? Yes.

That's a big symptom of that.

Unknown: Yes, I, this reminds
me. So I used to be a pastor in

a church. And I remember we met
with this consultant. And he

said, You don't always dance
with the one that bracha. And I

remember just holding on to
that, because we were growing.

And a lot of the people that
were with us early on, were

like, Hey, you know, we're gonna
go to another church. And we

were like, Oh, no, you've been
with us since the beginning.

We've known you for so long.
Some of us we've known you since

college. You're some of them. It
was, hey, you're the lead

pastors best friend. And now
you're leaving. And it was

really comforting to hear. Yeah.
And they were there for that

time that season. Amazing. honor
them that yes, you wouldn't be

here without him. Now it's time
to look forward, not look back.

And it's time for them to look
forward. And I can't tell you

how many entrepreneurs once
they've let go of certain team

members, two, three years down
the road, they talk to him

again. And that person was like,
it was totally time for me to

go. I had known it was time for
me to go. I'm so glad you let me

go. I found this new opportunity
out here. It pays me more I like

it more. I wouldn't have
discovered it because I would

have just stayed as long as you
let me. Oh, man,

Deacon Bradley: there. I'm super
excited. We have an episode

sketched out to dive more into
this stuff. And I'm super pumped

because there's, there's so much
there. And it's like, like we

were saying it's like chains
holding these entrepreneurs

back. And yeah, it's top of my
list is team. That's the number

one thing when I look inside a
business, oftentimes the thing

holding them back is team number
two on our list here. Number

two, is this one's going to take
a minute to unpack, we couldn't

come up with like a succinct
headline, yes, but but really,

it's, they're looking at the
wrong thing. So like, that's it,

unpack that a little, okay.

Unknown: So there's an
entrepreneur that I was talking

to the other day, and I coached
him for a season, don't coach

him anymore, but we're great,
we're great friends. And he

said, You know, I'm gonna stop
doing this thing that was

amazing for the business, I'm
going to stop focusing on this

thing. So that I can go focus on
this other thing right now. And

I remember going, don't do that.
Because in six months, you're

going to regret that you stopped
focusing on, which was growth,

like growing the business. what
he needed to do was, I wanted

him to go, Hey, I'm still
focused on growth, I've actually

brought on a team member to
focus on creating the systems

and implementing them in my
business, or I'm promoting this

person to do this, so that I can
stay here. Another way to think

about this is almost like
another way that they focus on

the wrong thing is shiny object
syndrome. Or, like, yes,

something's working, then they
go. Maybe they watch a YouTube

video, maybe they talk to a
friend that's in a similar

industry. And that person goes,
Yeah, we've started doing this

now. It's getting great results
for us. And they go, Oh, yeah,

tell me more. Yes, yes. And then
they go, you know, we're not

doing that. Is it? is it
helping? Oh, yeah, it's helping

us a ton. We're able to do this,
this and that. Really? Yeah. And

now that we get to do that, we
don't have to worry about this.

And you're going I worry about
that. Well, tell me more about

it and send it to me. And I
always like I cringe when I see

an entrepreneur ago that I know
is working well. And their

system is working, everything is
working. And someone drops a

seed that's like we're doing
this to do this. It's really

good. And they're like, oh,
could you send me a link to that

I cringe because I'm going you
don't know their story. You

don't need what they need right
now. everything's working.

Deacon Bradley: So in my mind,
I'm when I hear this, like we

just we summed this up as
looking at the wrong thing. In

this case, looking at the wrong
thing was they're not looking at

their business and the thing
that moves their business

forward and who they are
uniquely and the unique

chemistry and strengths of their
team. They're like looking at

some other dudes thing. And
they're like, oh, like, what do

you put for number three, I'm
gonna copy that down. And

sometimes that's, that's not a
good fit at all. Another way

that this I think bites people a
lot is just we, I always like to

say that the saying I forget
where this comes from, what gets

measured gets managed, oh man.
And so by looking at the wrong

thing, if you're measuring the
wrong thing, it you're going to

optimize for it, you're going to
do whatever it takes to move

that metric. But a lot of times,
it's not the right, it's not the

right thing for that business to
be looking at. And a lot of

times, like you were just
saying, they decided to start

looking at it because of one of
these shiny objects like that

was, that was the thing. So now
they're doing it too.

Unknown: Yes. And I would, I'm
trying to think of another way

to say this, that was that they
could kind of get a frame of

this is, you know, in in, I used
to do marriage counseling, and

different married couples will
be using different things to

help their, their marriage, and
some of them would be in

financial trouble so that you
use Financial Peace university

with Dave Ramsey. Some of them
would have emotional, like, they

weren't great at communicating.
So they'd use emotional care

packet that we put them through,
and they go through a class, and

then they'd be couples that were
doing just fine. They're like,

Oh, well, they're doing that,
well, I need to do it. So then

they're taking all this time
out, even though their

relationship is great to go
through some thing, and they

might get a few things out of
it. But it really was just a

waste of time. And so your most
valuable asset is time, is time.

And if you're spending your time
looking at the competition,

looking at what other people are
doing, instead of focused on

what brings me the best results
right now, what am I great at?

What if I keep doing what give
me the best chance of getting

the results I want? And you
start looking around? It's no

good. What you have is enough,
if you believe in the plan, and

it's showing results for you
already. Don't pivot

unnecessarily. Dude,

Deacon Bradley: well said, I
think one of the things that

that really helps with this, and
one of the ways I see business

leaders get traction with this
is, is masterminds coaches, just

this like close peer group who
actually care and know your

business and are not just giving
you ideas, or stuff like that,

like they're invested in your
success, too. Yes, I think that

makes a huge difference on
getting that perspective. And

yeah, it's one of the first
things that I look at when I'm

looking at a business that stuck
is I'm asking them, you know,

like, what's important to you
right now? What are you looking

at? And I'm curious, just to see
what it is that they're looking

at, because it's often not what
I ordered. Third thing I see

holding business leaders back, I
like to call this the three S's

and justice you have taught me
so much about this, the three

S's stillness, silence, space,
oh, man, oh, man,

Unknown: there. There's a,
there's a phrase that coaches

use. That is, it's called the
lamppost analogy. And when

people go, why do you Why, why
do you need a coach. And I'll

say, you know, if every day you
came home after a hard day's

work, and just talk to a
lamppost, you actually do better

for yourself, because you get
all these thoughts out, you get

all these things going on, you
actually think clearly, because

you're, you're, you're
externally processing, you're

doing all this stuff. And so
when an entrepreneur gets away,

and they can get still, and they
can really think like most

entrepreneurs are way smarter
than they want you to believe.

Like, they were able to build a
business from nothing most of

the times to something that's
generating revenue, which means

it's creating enough value that
people are willing to pay for

the value that they have. And if
it's most of the entrepreneurs

that we run into, they're paying
a lot of money for the value

that you're creating. So it's
not like we're talking to a

bunch of idiots. So for these
people, what will take away your

genius is buisiness. Like it
will rob you of your genius. And

especially this is something
that I get that happens to me is

decision fatigue, where you will
actually get fatigued because

you're making so many decisions
in a day, you'll start to get a

minor headache. And a lot of you
listening are probably going oh

my gosh, that's me. I do get
those headaches. It's Yeah, you

actually need to I was talking
to an entrepreneur, yesterday I

go, you are the most valuable
asset to your team. Do you

believe that, that you are the
most valuable asset? So who

needs to be taken care of the
best right now? You do. How are

you taking care of yourself?
Okay, right now you might not be

able to go on a four week
vacation. Oh, actually argue

that you probably could you just
don't believe it. But what can

you do right now, to schedule an
hour out of your day, you can

totally do this. And you can sit
with a notepad and a pen. And

with turn off your phone in a
room and put Do Not Disturb and

just write whatever comes to

Deacon Bradley: So if leaders
are missing stillness, silence

space, they're missing this
What? What does their life look


Unknown: Cowley. They wake up,
they check their phone, usually

first thing in the morning, they
see an email that causes alarm.

So they send a text message to
one of their team members.

Usually around 738 o'clock in
the morning, a team member gets

it. And it's kind of frustrated
that they had to get something

that like it took them out of
their workout or whatever, they

were focused in the morning,
then they get to the office,

they check to see if that team
member responded. They see more

emails. They go through a little
bit of a morning routine, but

chances are they don't have a
morning routine. Their email

owns them and their meetings on
them. So their calendar and

their email are kind of their
main decision makers. So it's

all movement. It's all
decisions. It's all buisiness


Deacon Bradley: That's, that's
how stressful

Unknown: and they are, they're
stressed. They're, they're

really stressed. They might not
define it as stress, because

they're used to it. And that's
like, kind of for me is the

scariest place to see an
entrepreneur, where they're

like, yeah, that's just how my
day goes. And I asked him about

I'm like,

Deacon Bradley: yeah, it's like
a, almost like a, like a badge.

Unknown: Yes. Yes. Which I would
say is just pride. And is the

ego. And it's like, Yeah, I do
think you hear it a lot in the

tech world. With like, yeah, I'm
just getting in my crazy, you

know, week, I didn't sleep for
four hours this week. for four

hours. It's like, Yeah, I did.
I'm like, is that the life you

want to live? Is that scalable?
I mean, if we're talking about

scaling your business, that's
not scalable, your body will

shut down. So like they are
owned, they do not own their

life, like at all. They do not
control it. Their calendar

controls it, their assistant
controls it, their team controls

it, problems control it, their
inbox controls it. Hmm. That's,

uh, yeah,

Deacon Bradley: that's
interesting. When you phrase it

like that. That's super
interesting. You and I are both

really passionate about this
topic. In particular. We're

going to unpack it in a in an
episode, a couple episodes

coming up. So there's a lot more
on this, but just leave us with

this right now. Justice. Yeah.
Can you do it another way? Like,

does it have to be that way? Or
can you have this business

growth, this amazing business
growth, but also be free? And I

mean, this just to set the full
stage here, because I don't want

this to just be some fairy tale.
Yes. Can you do it in like the

short term meaning, it's not one
I get 10 million in revenue or

when I get 100 million in
revenue, and I've got a

helicopter whisking me away, and
three personal assistants like

can you do it sooner than that?

Unknown: There's, there's a
short answer is like you will

actually there's a better chance
of you getting to that 100

million faster if you start
doing what we're going to talk

about now. Boom.

Deacon Bradley: Thanks for
joining us today on the sharp

business growth podcast. Be sure
and subscribe to the show and

your favorite podcast app. Mine
is pocket casts. You never miss

an episode. Also, we've got a
bunch of free resources more

common all the time, visit us at
sharp business We'll

see you there.

This Is Sharp Business Growth
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